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Domenico Romagnolo


BTF Dancer

Date of Birth





Current Contract

NCL Getaway


Domenico is from Palermo, Sicily and has been dancing since the age of 12. Domenico has had a successful international competitive career taking part in some of the most renowned competitions in the world including the International Championships, the UK Open and the Universal Championships. Domenico was a semi-finalists in the Under 21 years Rome Dance Cup has been placed in the Top 40 at the Universal Championships and was the runner up in the Amateur Shining Star Cup in 2021.


Domenico first saw Burn the Floor while still a competitor and from the first time fell in love with the idea to be part of this company. Today he is living out his dreams and feels connected with the Burn the Floor mantra

Domenico Romagnolo
BTF Watermark Cropped.png

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