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Andrea De Angelis


BTF Dancer

Date of Birth





Current Contract


Andrea, a talented dancer with a passion for the artform, began his journey at the young age of 8 in Rome, Italy. Over the years, his hard work and dedication have paid off, earning him 18 Italian Championships in Ballroom and Latin-American styles, along with multiple international titles including the Dutch Open Under 21 Latin Championships, Danish Amateur Latin American Championships, and 4th place in World & European Amateur 10 dance Championship.

But Andrea's achievements don't stop there. He has been a finalist in the UK Amateur Rising Star Latin competition, has finished as runners-up in the International Under 21 Latin competition and made the final in the most prestigious competitions around the globe. Not only is Andrea a champion on the dance floor, but he has also made a name for himself as a sought-after choreographer, having worked on the Italian television talent show program "Amici di Maria De Filippi".

Andrea has also had the opportunity to showcase his talent on a global scale, performing at the prestigious Sydney Opera House in Australia with Burn the Floor in 2019, and embarking on a tour in Korea.

Andrea is thrilled to be a part of Burn The Floor, where he continues to push himself and bring his passion for dance to new heights.

Andrea De Angelis
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